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by Change Food

Audrey Taylor

Join Change Food as we launch our new program “Plant Eat Share” - planting food for free in areas around the world. We’ll be planting our own and encouraging/supporting others doing the same.

By helping communities grow food in public spaces, we’ll help end climate change, the global health crisis, food insecurity - and much more!  #changefood

Join Change Food as we prepare to launch our new program “Plant Eat Share” - planting food for free in areas around the world. We’ll be growing our own and encouraging/ supporting others doing the same.

By helping communities grow food in public spaces, we’ll help:

  • Combat climate change - food is one of the largest contributors to climate change

  • Reduce food insecurity - according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, over 820 million people do not have enough to eat

  • End our global health crisis - healthy, regenerative food can help minimize or end many medical issues

  • Increase understanding of the hard work farmers do for all of us

  • Build community and ease rampant isolation

  • Reconnect people to the earth - if you plant it, you will eat it

Everyone who donates receives our new guide “Grow Herbs Indoors,” so you can grow your own. Our goal is to empower, educate and encourage communities to get together and grow fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables and grains to eat and share with each other - for free.

Food should be grown along biking and hiking trails, in community gardens, on rooftops and balconies, on front lawns and in backyards,  We should plant food everywhere - and make sure to share it.

This effort has already started to happen around the world. Find out who’s doing what - and how you can get involved - by supporting Change Food today.

Thank you! - and Happy Holidays! 


Change Food is fiscally sponsored by Social Good Fund.




$100 GOAL

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has ended. Believers Funded
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